Established in February 2010, KPG Cal is the premiere K-Pop dance cover group at UC Berkeley. KPG aims to publicize Korean pop culture not only at UC Berkeley, but also around the Bay Area through various dance covers, performances, and workshops. Though we are a primarily performance-based team, we also release video projects that we post on our Youtube channel.


Contact Information


Facebook: KPG Cal
Instagram: @kpgcal
Youtube: KPG Cal

How the Team Works

We hold live auditions once a semester at the beginning, in which we teach several workshops and attendees have the opportunity to audition for the styles they are interested in. As for our semesterly operation, we have set-building practices twice a week in the hopes of preparing to perform at showcases, and throughout the semester we have several ongoing, smaller side-projects. Our final products are always video projects that we post on social media. Our team bonding is comprised of a semesterly retreat, socials regularly throughout the semester, and an end-of-semester banquet.


Video Showcase



AFX Fall 2018 Showcase

Feel Special